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Saturday, July 21, 2012


For my new shooters today! 10 People that have never held a Firearm shot them today! They get one of these. 

A mix of people, 18 to 70 years old. The machines were once again shown to be just that. Machines. They were demystified. They are tools after all. It depends on the person running it on how well that goes. 

The thing I am getting now is that the people showing up for new shooter classes have an urgency about them. They want to know how these work, they want to know what is required to get a concealed carry permit. It is on me to do that for them.

For the 18 year old man today that was presented by his Father, I was stunned. The Father simply waited outside the classroom until we went live fire. Then he watched his son running handguns. Both grabbed my hand to shake after the events of the day. The class applauded before we went to shoot. That has never happened before. I was humbled. What is second nature to me, handed down from my Father *cough, cough* oh, 40 years or so ago that I took as a right of passage then is foreign to many now. So be it. I will pay it forward. 

So tomorrow awaits. A Concealed Carry Class. Not just any class, this one will have our Better Business Bureau representative in it. Better do this tonight:


Um, yeah. If you care to look at this photo, the shoe brush shows a cost of 89 cents. A gift from my Father. It works great and hey, you can't get a Coke now for that! 

Tomorrow awaits:



  1. Go do good for us! And thanks for taking the time to DO the instruction!

    1. 15 Students today for CCH. I hope I comported myself well. Thanks NFO!

  2. The urgency you noted in your class doesn't surprise me.

    1. Well not me either Shepard, but it seems that more and more students are so.

  3. Congratulations to ALL of you!


  4. I love the old shoe-shine stuff. I used to ass/man a specialty shoe store. :)

    1. Oooh. My Mother worked for Hanes Brand and they bought KIWI back in the day. I have enough old school stuff to keep me going for years!

  5. What I find interesting is the number of woman at my church who shoot or who want to shoot. And when I'm at the range I often notice guys bringing either daughters or girlfriends to teach to shoot.

    Congrats to everyone in the class.

    1. The number of woman in my classes had steadily increased over time. Good for them!

  6. Congrats to them all!

    You are awesome!

    1. I'll be over here in the corner blushing! Thanks so much.
