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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Don't Forget!

Set your clocks ahead tonight (for most of our listening audience)!

Oh yeah this one too:

Back in the day these clocks were electrically wound mechanical clocks. Notorious for not being accurate. For someone that is really anal about such stuff oh, 25 years ago, you went and bought a Hemmings Motor News to find people that replaced the internals with an electrically driven mechanism. The top picture is the 1971 Mustang and this thing has been dead accurate. For a quarter of a century! The same for the lower picture, the 1966 Mustang. 

I don't even know if Hemmings is still around. I found craftsman to restore a rim blow steering wheel (insert joke here), really obscure vacuum motors and oh, just about anything else I needed then. I'm sorta afraid to Google for that publication now.   


  1. I hate time travel. ;) But I would love to have a Mustang.

  2. I kinda miss my ol' '65. Couldn't keep a front end in it, but it was easy to work on.

  3. Hemmings is still in publication. It just keeps getting bigger every year!

  4. Hemmings is alive and well! :-) Re the clocks, there was also a company out of Switzerland that did the electronics upgrades, and put everything back in the original cases!!!
