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Monday, July 20, 2015

Watch This Space!

Sorry gang. I have been busy and remiss here!

So a company went bankrupt? Lets buy a gun from them! 

Lets try one of these. Should be here by the end of the week. I am sure it will beat the horrible trigger on the S&W Bodyguard. 

We shall see! 


  1. I look forward to the AAR/range report.

  2. Looking forward to your range report!

  3. Odysseus just bought me a Colt, just before our eleventh anniversary, but I don't think they'll get anything from it. It's a 1908 vest pocket model in 25 ACP. It's really cute--a bit smaller than a Kel-Tec .32. There's a picture up over at The Antisoma with it's older big brother, the 1903 hammerless in 32 ACP.

    1. Ah, I have a soft spot in my heart for those!
