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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NRA Instructor Development Class AAR

So, Old NFO and I run out to Bill's class on the NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home class for some "training Sir".

I was not disappointed. Aside from seeing NFO again I got to meet Bill. I thought that the Friday one on one class for BIT would be a ball of suck. That did not happen. Although I have taken the class before the one on one as instructor to instructor was very entertaining and Bill is an engaging instructor. He kept me interested in the course and we shared observations on teaching.

Then we meet the next day for the meat of the trip. I have to say, the course material to be presented for students is all encompassing and through. I met Bill's son Mike and another interesting gentleman by the name of Tim. 

Here is Bill, Mike, and Tim running the qual course of fire. 

Me? Well you can go over to Bill and NFO's blogs to see my humble attempts at it. I TOLD these guys not to put pics or videos of me up as it would be detrimental to the traffic on their blogs. They did so anyway. 

Here is my target. Double taps from low ready X 10. I really screwed the pooch on this one. Dropped one. 



At the end of the day I passed qual so I shut up and move forward. Guess what I am going to be working on this weekend at the range =) I can do better than this. I know it and have done so in the past. Shooting is a perishable skill.

Oh, I need to go back to Vinton IA. Here is the view from the parking lot of the hotel.

America still exists. You just have to look for it. 

We did go to the Amana Colonies. The best German food I have had in a long time! I did come home with this souvenir. 

It was filled with Millstone Iowa Pale Ale. An excellent beer and NFO was kind enough to drive back. Hey a Naval Flight Officer at the wheel on the rent a speck? I'm cool with that!

A good time, great classes and can't wait to go back! 


  1. Good to have you Kelly, will look forward to the next time!

  2. Good to have you Kelly - will look forward to the next time!

  3. Good to see you again my friend! And yes, I know you're a better shot than that! And driving, it was the least I could do! :-)

    1. Great to see you again too. I always enjoy the range time and chats.
