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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Seriously Dude?!?!

I have a long time friend. He used to be my next door neighbor in a previous life. Intelligent, wicked sense of humor, and uh, somewhat off the reservation at times. 

When I lived next door he would occasionally drop by. Most times he would ask if I had something or other he could borrow. Not a cup of sugar, but more along the lines of: "You have a 30 watt soldering iron, a 10K audio potentiometer, a VARIAC, a pair of hemostats, a gallon of gasoline and a keyhole saw I could borrow"?

Sorta like that. So I moved and he and his wife are still in the same house that is very close by. His fondness for the offbeat continues to amaze me. He over the years has become a close friend.

I am on the way home tonight from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Curmugeon. I get a phone call from my friend asking if I have any optics laying around. 

I get worried. This guy whipped this out previously. 

Yep, an AMT Hardballer .45 ACP. Wait, it gets better. He also whips this thing out. 


I think there is a Ruger MkIII here, its hard to say. 

So, I tell him I have one of these laying around. 

He wheels over to stately manor and promptly bolts it on this:

Uh, I would have never thought of using the AMT frame with a Kimber .22 conversion kit, much less finding a left side grip replacement to allow mounting optics on a pistol. 

Disclaimer! I had NOTHING to do with this except having the optic on hand. 

So I can't decide if my friend is the King of the Island of Misfit Toys or Dr. Frankenstein. If he is the Dr. I fear that the brain acquired was from someone named "Abby something". +1 If you get the reference from a movie!  

I have personal instruction tomorrow at the range with a Female student that wants to really figure out how to run a Glock 9 and a .410 pump shotgun. I think he will be there with this! I need a disguise. 



  1. Are you telling me you put an abnormal brain into an AMT hardballer?

    1. I fear so Aaron! You win the Interwebz! I did not put the brain into the AMT, I just dug it up. Oh, if you get a chance "put the candle back"!

    2. Just as long as there are no "intellectual conversations" with the female student.

  2. Replies
    1. Uh, yeah. Bet you did not see this one coming! I will observe at a distance. If I can.

  3. I often wondered what would happen when "Transformers" met "Sanford and Son"...

    So how's it shoot?

    Dann in Ohio

    1. Not worth a thing. Light primer strikes. You don't know until you try I guess!

  4. Hehehe... yep, they ARE out there... I'd wear a disguise and hide at the far end of the range! :-)

  5. Perhaps he'll morph the shotgun and the Glock? Stranger things have happened.


  6. Strangely it has a certain charm to me. Although that maybe the painkillers talking.

    1. Dude, lay off them painkillers! It was a ball of suck and fail. I do appreciate the effort though!

  7. Did he show up with a light mounted to either of the handguns? that wouldn't surprise me.

    1. Nah, He did not. Would not surprise me either if he did. Welcome!
